What is colon hydrotherapy Coffee & Probiotics

What is Colon hydrotherapy

Colonic, Colon irrigation or Colon Hydrotherapy involves the introduction of purified "body temperature" water, which flows slowly into the colon, under low pressure,through a small tube, via the rectum. We do not recommend doing the procedure by yourself.

Once the speculum inserted you will be asked to slowly turn on to your back or stay on your side. During the session your therapist may ask to move the position that will assist with the process to hydrate the colon for better results.
While the filtered water flows into the colon the water flows out through a larger tube at the same time. This process brings with it any loose debris & Putrification (build up debris). This is done a number of times during a treatment, the result is a gentle flushing of the colon and loosening of old faecal debris.

If you decided to take the Coffee and Probiotics treatment, it will be administered after 20 Liters. The therapist will keep the Coffee and probiotics inside the Colon for at least 2 minutes.

Your therapist will explain the process during the treatment to you in detail and make sure you are comfortable until finished.

See below just some of the benefits to do a Colon cleanse:
•Detoxify the Colon
•Improves bowel movement
•Improves immune system
•More effective digestive system
•Prevents constipation
•Decrease sugar gravings
•Improves healthier food choices
•Improves concentration
•Your body function better
•Increased fertility
•Improved metabolism
•Maintains PH balance
•Feel light
•More energy
•Overall good health
•Relief IBS symptoms


colon hydrotherapy indications

• Can be used in place of harsh laxative treatments in preparation for endoscopic examinations, colonoscopies, sigmoidoscopies, and barium enemas
• Can be used following chelation therapy
• Can possibly benefit conditions such as acute fecal impaction, colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, mild to moderate hemorrhoids, food poisoning, food allergies, influenza, Epstein-Barr virus, arthritis, and immune system disorders
• Can be used pre-and postoperatively for colon cleansing and treatment of drug-and anesthetic-induced constipation
• Can help prevent and correct constipation and/or diarrhea
• Can help relieve irritable bowel syndrome
• Can help to improve digestion and elimination, enhancing the absorption of nutrients, while minimizing the absorption of waste material
• Can relieve abdominal distension/flatulence
• Can help to improve the tone of the colon
• Can help to rebalance intestinal flora, reducing unfriendly bacteria proliferation
• Can help to relieve skin conditions
• Can take the burden off the liver
• Can increase energy and well-being


-: treatments to choose from :-

-: No walk-ins, Strictly appointments :-

30 liters filtered water with coffee & probiotics

For beginners - 1 hour


Per session

40 liters filtered water only

1 hour


Per session


40 liters filtered water with coffee & probiotics

1 hour


Per session

60 liters filtered water Only

1 hour


Per session


60 liters filtered water with coffee & probiotics

1 hour


Per session







Information you need

How many sessions do I need ?

In most cases, a patient should expect to undergo 2 - 3 sessions if he or she wishes to clean the entire length of the colon. We highly recommend one session per week during this important health journey. Thereafter you can start to maintain Gut Health.

How long is a colon ?

The large intestine is about (1.5 meters) long. If you stretched out your large intestine, it would be about as long as the width of a queen size bed. The colon is the longest portion of your large intestine. The other parts — the cecum, rectum, and anus — are all much shorter, only a few inches in length at the most. The large intestine also has a larger diameter than the small intestine. It’s around 7.6 centimeters wide.

What is the benefits of the Coffee & Probiotics?

A coffee and Probiotic enema is the enema-related procedure of injecting coffee via the rectum.
•Improves Peristalsis
•Reduces Systemic Toxicity
•Assists with Weight Loss
•Improves Mental Clarity
•Helps Eliminate Parasites
•Helps Eliminate Candida
•Detoxifies & Repairs the Liver
•Eases Bloating
•Increases Energy Levels
•Helps to eliminate harmful bacteria
•Helps to increase the number of beneficial bacteria
•Increases metabolism
•Improves immune system
•May help reduce common digestive symptoms such as: diarrhea – constipation -bloating – IBS.

Do I need to prepare before my colon cleanse session ?

Do I need to prepare before a colon cleanse? Keep hydrated Try for atleast 2-3 hours not to drink Coffee or anything that will dehydrate you. You can drink tee In order for the waste to move more easily during a colonic cleanse, its best to be well hydrated before hand so aiming for 2 litres is a good thing to do, water, herbal teas or cordial are all fine. When trying to lose weight or increase your energy, increasing how much water you drink can also be extremely helpful. Eat plenty of vegetables Vegetables contain plenty of fibre which is helpful for constipation and helping the bowel to move more regularly. Before having a colonic, increasing your vegetable intake will begin to gently cleanse the bowel lining ensuring you’ll get the most out of your colonic treatment. As these fill you up without adding too many calories they are also a great addition when you’re trying to lose weight. Avoid alcohol and fizzy drinks Alcohol and caffeinated drinks can act as a diuretic so this means they get rid of water via the kidneys. As its better to be well hydrated before having colonic irrigation its better to steer clear of too much alcohol and caffeine. So filtered water, herbal teas, diluted fruit juice or vegetable juice are all good choices. Don’t worry if you find it hard to steer clear of tea and coffee totally, just reducing them will also help. Alcohol also contain lots of calories so if you’re trying to reduce your weight lowering your alcohol intake will also help. Don’t take laxatives Even if you take laxatives regularly you don’t need to take them just before a colonic. The warm filtered water in the colonic bath or colonic lavage as it is also known will hydrate any stubborn to move waste and gently and effectively ensure that the colon cleanse is comfortable and relaxing. At Colonics Detox in Oldham I always make sure that every treatment is relaxing and comfortable. Don’t eat fast food Its much better for your bowel and microbiome (the health of your gut flora) health if you eat a whole-food diet which is rich in nutrients and natural fibres. Processed, fast food can often be very low in essential nutrients and dietary fibre. So before having a colonic irrigation treatment eating making healthier choices. Don’t worry if you haven’t made those changes though, many people use a colonic treatment as a kick start to a more healthy way of life and make changes gradually. The above points serve to show how making some easy changes to your diet can help you to get the most out of your colonic irrigation appointment and treatment. I always discuss diet and lifestyle when you attend so we can discuss any concerns you have in regard to diet./p>

What do I need to do after my colon cleanse session ?

What do I need to do after a Colon Cleanse? After your session, we recommend probiotics, which are available to purchase. During a colonic some of the good bacteria, along with the bad, may be eliminated from your colon. The probiotics will re-inoculate your system with the good bacteria you need. We ask that you eat very light, pure and easy-to-digest foods for the remainder of the day. Try to stay away from raw, overly rich, heavy foods. You have just cleansed your system and we suggest that you allow your body the time it needs to rest and relax, so it can go to work to heal you, rather than go to work digesting rich meals. Please try to stay away from alcohol; it will go directly to your head and may cause a stomachache because it is just too strong for your freshly cleansed system. It is fine to carry on with your normal daily plans or to return to work, as you will feel fine. Most people feel energetic, light and in a very positive mood after a cleansing.

When will my colon be empty ?

Your Colon Is Never Empty Many people believe they have emptied out their colons after multiple episodes of diarrhea or that they can keep their colons empty by avoiding food. However, since stool is made up in large part of bacteria, fecal matter is continuously being formed.

Who needs a colon cleanse ?

If you ALWAYS feel or struggle with
Low Energy Levels
Lower back pain
Arthritis or Joint Pains
Migraines or Headaches
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Struggle to focus
Lack of motivation
Struggle to sleep well
Feeling heavy all the time
IBS and other digestion symptoms Allergies
Skin problems like acne

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